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ALLAH Menguji Keikhlasan Bile bersendirian, ALLAH memberi Kedewasaan Bile ada Masalah, ALLAH Melatih Kesabaran DALAM Kesakitan, ALLAH tak PERNAH Mengambil Sesuatu YaNg kItE sAyAnG kEcUaLi denGaN mEnGanTikAn YanG lEbIh BaiK uNtUk KiTe...


My Funniest Incident in my Life

This story’s about my funniest incident experience in my life. I still remember this incident went me and my family goes shopping at Tesco Ampang. That day my mum wants to buy groceries and other thing; I am so excited because its long period I am not shopping with my family.

There we buy the carrot, fish, and chicken and so on. I ask my mum to buy my favourite bread and cook bolognaise spaghetti, because I really want to eat it. So my mum buys the entire ingredient to make the Bolognaise.

We went there at 1430 until 1600. I am happy to shop, but my brother bored. As we know man dislike to shopping with women but if there shops with other man its better. My mum pity with my brother and she ask us to go home.

After my mum paid all the things we walk to our car and put the entire item in car bots. After that I put the trolley to the place, what the sad story, went I go back to the car my brothers left me. I blur and just thing positive that my brother u-Turn the car, and I wait at another side. But only wait, my brother doesn’t pick up me back. I don’t bring my hand phone and my purse left in side my car, so what I have to do?

Suddenly I look my brother undo the car to the place he left me, and he said “Sorry, I forgot about you. I thought you are in the car…. Thank god mum asks about you….” My mum laughs and as an apology my brother spent me steamboat at uptown on the night.

My mum tells me to always go back home as I can……



Lilypie Lilypie