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ALLAH Menguji Keikhlasan Bile bersendirian, ALLAH memberi Kedewasaan Bile ada Masalah, ALLAH Melatih Kesabaran DALAM Kesakitan, ALLAH tak PERNAH Mengambil Sesuatu YaNg kItE sAyAnG kEcUaLi denGaN mEnGanTikAn YanG lEbIh BaiK uNtUk KiTe...


SenGal2 badan

Why Today?!
1. Monthly meeting
2. System Error
3. Switchboard tak leh run
4. Expression VB no Error but not function

Hurm… mulut berbau? Nape ea?

1. Lepas makan tak minum secukup nyer
2. Perut dah siap process makanan but tak de cecair yg leh nature kan (KOT)
3. Tak minum air

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So byk2 la minum air, supaya mulut x bebau. Semalam aku tak minumair, n aku unconfertable with my self, as a result my mum told me had something smell outside my mouth… so malu sangat. Then I told mum then I forgot to drink some water after a few minute I eat.
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College fees still not clear, because academic not activate our pre registration. Bahaya ni… tak pasal duit sendiri kuar

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So lunch time……

Supervisor kolej tak dating melawat, just call our company supervisor. And my supervisor? Aha aku dah tau….. miss Farah, early june pindah ke KPTM KL, and tak tau sape ganti… En Bad? Aiyo…. So myb presentation date pon tukar…. Aku tau t kl de owg yg bce blog ni musti mengelabah or panic or tertanya-tanya….



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